资本总额 in Vietnamese

  • {capitalization} , sự tư bản hoá, sự dùng làm vốn, sự viết bằng chữ hoa, sự in bằng chữ hoa, (nghĩa bóng) sự lợi dụng

Sentence patterns related to "资本总额"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "资本总额" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "资本总额", or refer to the context using the word "资本总额" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. � 1997年在澳大利亚对500强上市公司进行的一项调查表明,这些公司中有89%控制着另外的公司;上市公司的市场资本总额越高,控制的公司数目可能就越多(市场资本总额最高的公司平均控制72家公司,市场资本总额最低的公司平均控制9家公司);有90%的受控公司完全属控股公司所有;一个企业集团纵向附属等级的数目从1到11不等,总体平均数为3到4个。

2. 欧洲联合交易所在交易量方面名列欧洲第一,在欧洲市价资本总额和上市公司数目方面紧跟伦敦股票交易所之后名列第二。