贮备 in Vietnamese

  • {reservior}
    - {reservoir} , bể chứa nước; đồ chưa (chất lỏng), kho, kho dự trữ, nguồn, chứa vào bể chứa nước

Sentence patterns related to "贮备"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "贮备" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "贮备", or refer to the context using the word "贮备" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 据估计,当时的核武库里贮备了多达5万个核弹头!

2. 最终,它还是得求诸它外层的氢和氦贮备,并且第二次膨胀,变成漸近巨星分支星。

3. 不是24小时都有自来水供应,因此我们必须预先贮备一些水,以便在没有自来水时使用。’

4. 在世界的一边,有些国家粮食供过于求,食品贮备堆积如“山”,但与此同时,穷国人民却饥贫交迫。

5. 例如,今日全世界的核武器贮备量所含的爆炸力相当于地球上每个男、女、孩子分得3吨炸药以上——共13,000,000,000吨!