负有责任的 in Vietnamese

  • {accountable} , chịu trách nhiệm, có trách nhiệm phải giải thích, có thể nói rõ được, có thể giải thích được

Sentence patterns related to "负有责任的"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "负有责任的" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "负有责任的", or refer to the context using the word "负有责任的" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 12 为了立好榜样,监督和其他负有责任的弟兄必须时刻留意在对待异性方面保持谨慎。

2. 正如Stan Collender,一位知名的美国联邦预算观察家所评论的那样:“任何一个对联邦预算负有责任的人都似乎对预算本身缺乏真正的兴趣。”

3. 如果您觉得此决定有误,并且您能够本着善意诚信的原则保证,无效流量并非因您或您对其负有责任的人员的行为或过失所致,则可通过我们的无效活动申诉表单提出申诉。

4. 敦促会员国采取措施,包括酌情通过适当的立法,从所有方面将滥用技术实施性剥削儿童罪定为刑事犯罪,并考虑按照国内法和国际法采取适当措施,识别并清除互联网上已知的性虐待儿童图像,并便利查明对虐待或剥削儿童负有责任的人;