讽刺诗 in Vietnamese

  • {pasquinade} , bài phỉ báng, bài đả kích ((thường) dán nơi công cộng)

Sentence patterns related to "讽刺诗"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "讽刺诗" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "讽刺诗", or refer to the context using the word "讽刺诗" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 游唱诗人在讽刺诗中,把人民对教士阶级的失望、鄙视与厌恶表露无遗。

2. 他抱怨青蛙和蚊虫扰人,又说亚比乌市集广场挤满了“船夫和吝啬的旅馆主人”。(《 讽刺诗》,第1卷,5章,1-6节)

3. 这些讽刺诗一方面褒扬英雄才智、舍己为人、慷慨大度以及悲天悯人的才德;一方面大力鞭挞残暴不仁、懦弱无能、伪善腐败等劣行。