西南地区 in Vietnamese

  • {southwest}

Sentence patterns related to "西南地区"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "西南地区" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "西南地区", or refer to the context using the word "西南地区" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 冀鲁豫军区(司令员黄克诚,政委崔田民)由八路军115师建立于1940年4月,包括豫北、直南和鲁西南地区

2. 我们根据在菲律宾西南地区的经验,立即谴责了对美国的恐怖主义袭击,因为我们立刻意识到这些袭击是那一小撮充满暴力者的绝望和可耻的行径,他们寻求以恐惧而使全世界屈服。

3. 68-页的报告《孤立无援:落难在中国云南省的缅甸克钦族难民》(Isolated in Yunnan: Kachin Refugees from Burma in China's Yunnan Province)详述自2011年6月以来,已有至少7000至10000名克钦族难民因缅甸发生战争和人权侵犯而逃往中国西南地区避难。