装饰物 in Vietnamese

  • {ornamental} , có tính chất trang hoàng, có tính chất trang trí, có tính chất trang sức; để trang trí, để trang sức

Sentence patterns related to "装饰物"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "装饰物" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "装饰物", or refer to the context using the word "装饰物" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 统治者戴在头上的圆形装饰物

2. 所有木制桌子、椅子、板条、装饰物和其他物品都被移开,剥去外层饰物并现出原木,然后再抛光修饰。

3. 内部的木雕、瓷砖、铁饰和黄铜扶手,售票处的铁格子,巨大楼梯的栏杆,以及其他装饰物都是孟买美术学校学生的作品。

4. 由于圣经的这章书在较早几节谈及觐见君王箴言25:2,3,5,6,所以这节经文可能是指一份送给统治者的礼物——在银盘子上放有一些金苹果状的装饰物。(