被绞死 in Vietnamese

  • {dance on rope}
    - {dance upon nothing}
    - {kick the wind}
    - {strangle} , bóp cổ, bóp họng, làm nghẹt (cổ), bóp nghẹt, nén; đàn áp

Sentence patterns related to "被绞死"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "被绞死" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "被绞死", or refer to the context using the word "被绞死" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 但他却沦为阶下囚,最终被绞死

2. 他在1536年被绞死,尸体更被绑在柱上焚烧。

3. 不过,当时制造伪钞的刑罚相当重,共有300多人因此被绞死

4. 被认定有罪的人会处以火刑,在英格兰和苏格兰则会被绞死

5. 在他被绞死和尸体被焚去之前,他在临终时大声喊道:“主啊,求你打开英王的眼。”

6. 吸引他们的是当地举行的宗教公判大会。 在这次公判大会中,“有两个人被活活烧死,十个人被绞死。”