被免除 in Vietnamese

  • {be exempted from}

Sentence patterns related to "被免除"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "被免除" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "被免除", or refer to the context using the word "被免除" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 另外,此種權利在和平時期也不能依據本公約第15條而被免除

Quyền này cũng không vi phạm Điều 15 của Công ước trong thời bình.

2. 缔约国在加入《不扩散条约》期间实施的违约行为,不在退出条约时一笔勾销或被免除

3. c) 缔约国在加入《不扩散条约》期间实施的违约行为,不在退出条约时一笔勾销或被免除

4. 77如果司库被发现是不忠信又不明智的管家,他就要服从该体制的议会和表示,被免除职位,而a另一人将被指定来代替他。

5. 8表决通过:每当任何空缺因上述议员中任何人死亡、违诫被免除职务、或因迁离此教会管辖范围而产生时,应由会长或会长们提名继任人选,提交为此目的而召开,并以教会名义行事的大祭司总议会表示同意后继任。