血液病 in Vietnamese

  • {hematonosis}
    - {hematopathy}
    - {hemopathy}

Sentence patterns related to "血液病"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "血液病" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "血液病", or refer to the context using the word "血液病" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 感染爱滋病毒的人如果在空窗期(窗口期)捐出血液,病毒就无法检验出来。

2. 这项成果使研制各种治疗白血病和其他血液病的疗法的梦想得以实现指日可待。

3. 目前,有一种凝血蛋白,就是来自地中海某种野豌豆,对于诊断某类罕见的血液病很有帮助。

4. 她的死因是一种不寻常的血液病,称为‘非巨核细胞性血小板减少性紫斑病’——血液无法产生血小板。