色度 in Vietnamese

  • {chroma} , (Tech) mầu sắc, sắc độ
    - {Chromacity}
    - {chroman}
    - {chromaticity} , (Tech) sắc độ [ĐL]
    - {colourity}

Sentence patterns related to "色度"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "色度" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "色度", or refer to the context using the word "色度" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 还有,基准白色的CIE色度坐标是两者都一样的。

2. 换句话说,白色和灰色的色度是一样的,而明度不同。

3. 用几何术语说,选择新色彩空间等于在rg色度空间中选择一个新三角形。

4. 由于色度定义和要求x和y为正值的优势,可以在三角形,,内见到所有颜色的色域。

5. 實用於熱塑性材料加工 生產週期短 能源消耗量低 具有熱穩定性,可應用度更廣 可用於多組分加工(硬質 - 軟質複合物) 100% 可回收再用 具設計靈活性及高度著色度的效果) Kraiburg expanding TPE production in Germany, Malaysia - European Rubber Journal. European Rubber Journal. 2017-10-25 (美国英语). Holdings