自谦 in Vietnamese

  • {self-abasement} , sự tự hạ mình

Sentence patterns related to "自谦"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "自谦" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "自谦", or refer to the context using the word "自谦" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 老实说,对一个自谦的普通人来说,不论男女老幼,开始逐户向人传讲圣经的信息是最困难的事之一。

2. 11再者,我告诉你们,就像我以前说过的一样,你们认识了神的荣耀,或是你们体会了他的良善、a尝到了他的爱,并获得了b罪的赦免,因而使你们的灵魂极为快乐,同样的,我希望你们记住,牢牢地记住神的伟大、你们的c微不足道、他对你们这些不配之人的d良善和恒久忍耐,并要自谦到e谦卑的深处,天天f呼求主的名,对天使口中所说即将到来的事怀有坚定的信心。