自吹自擂的 in Vietnamese

  • {self-dramatizing}

Sentence patterns related to "自吹自擂的"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "自吹自擂的" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "自吹自擂的", or refer to the context using the word "自吹自擂的" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 上亿美元都被骗走 年年如此,随处可见, 这类自吹自擂的骗子。

Hàng tỉ đô bị chi mỗi năm, khắp thế giới, cho những tên bịp bợm này.

2. 在哥林多人中间自吹自擂的“超级使徒”断不能追得上保罗身为基督服事者的忍耐纪录。

3. 王下21:10-13;10:11)耶和华通过以赛亚发出警告,预言耶路撒冷的统治者和自吹自擂的恶人将要大祸临头,说:“我要以公正为准绳,用正义做水平仪。”

4. 14 从基督教建立的早期,基督徒会众已要应付一些自吹自擂的叛道者。 这些人用花言巧语欺骗人,旨在“引起分裂,使人失足”,他们鼓吹的谬论跟耶和华传达真理的渠道所说的背道而驰。(