无声地 in Vietnamese

  • {soundlessly}
    - {voicelessly} , xem voiceless

Sentence patterns related to "无声地"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "无声地" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "无声地", or refer to the context using the word "无声地" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 它无声地证明了木材的耐用程度多么惊人。

2. 不错,它们都在无声地赞美造物主。——以赛亚书55:12;诗篇148:7-9。

3. 敏锐的视觉和听觉有助于确定猎物的位置,然后静寂无声地突然飞扑而下,就这样又可以饱餐一顿了。

4. 夜幕低垂,司机开着前灯照明,车道界线寂然无声地迎面掠过。 卡车突然左摇右晃,原来部分车身已经偏离了车道。

5. (笑声) 或者三千多人一齐听着MP3 在公园里无声地跳舞 或者在超市突然放声唱歌 创作出即兴音乐剧 或者一帮人盛装冲进科尼岛的海滩