巧手 in Vietnamese

  • {handicraftsman} , thợ thủ công

Sentence patterns related to "巧手"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "巧手" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "巧手", or refer to the context using the word "巧手" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 用雙 巧手 把 老 破屋 變成 溫馨 的 家

Ngày qua ngày cô ấy làm việc để biến Granville rách nát thành 1 ngôi nhà đúng nghĩa.

2. 当男子们以篮形的捕鱼器捕获大量鱼类时,巧手的划桨妇女把鱼载在独木舟上。

3. 20世纪中叶后期,戴巴拿马帽的热潮减退,但厄瓜多尔人巧手编制的帽子却魅力不减。

4. 在亚美尼亚的首都耶烈万的商店和市场里,游客可以买到用杏木做的精巧手雕纪念品。

5. 不能够这样行的人便转往其他方面找寻特别的挑战和成就:例如减肥、掌握精湛的球术以六号铁的球棍击打下坡的高尔夫球、烹调巧手的煎蛋饼,找寻别的新鲜玩意——可能是滑翔飞行,也可能是创制一些新奇食品。”