山间的 in Vietnamese

  • {intermont}
    - {intermontane} , giữa các núi, gian sơn
    - {intermountainous}

Sentence patterns related to "山间的"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "山间的" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "山间的", or refer to the context using the word "山间的" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 隐蔽在山间的圣城马丘比丘就是他们的避难所之一。

2. ▪ 主要威胁:繁殖率低;山间的竹林受破坏(竹是大熊猫的主粮)

3. 另外,他在《山间的灯火》等外国民谣方面,也表现了极为丰富的歌唱力。

4. 气味工程师以各种香气(由山间的百合花至苹果不等)来做实验,把不同的香气放进学校、办公室大厦、托儿所里,以及甚至地下火车内,目的是要研究气味对人的头脑和态度有什么影响。