山羊皮 in Vietnamese

  • {goat-skin}
    - {goatskin} , da dê, túi đựng nước bằng da dê, quần áo bằng da dê

Sentence patterns related to "山羊皮"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "山羊皮" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "山羊皮", or refer to the context using the word "山羊皮" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 出26:7;35:26)山羊皮可制盛水的皮袋(参看创21:15)和各种衣物;基督教时代以前,耶和华的一些忠心见证人就披过山羊皮。( 来11:37)

2. 这类衣物最重最宽松,是用羊毛、细麻或山羊毛做,有的可能用绵羊皮或山羊皮制成。

3. 在圣经时代,我到了老年就被放入瓶里或皮袋里,这些皮袋是用绵羊皮、山羊皮或牛皮造成的。

4. *其他的纸莎草纸抄本则是公元第四世纪左右的产品,那时人们开始采用较耐久的犊皮纸,即用牛犊、小绵羊或小山羊皮精制而成的上等纸,把经文抄在其上。