容易染上 in Vietnamese

  • {have aptitude to}

Sentence patterns related to "容易染上"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "容易染上" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "容易染上", or refer to the context using the word "容易染上" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 苏格兰一个结核病专家说:“爱滋病患者极其容易染上结核病。

2. 援助T细胞一旦被打倒,免疫系统就一筹莫展,结果使爱滋病患者很容易染上各种疾病。

3. 这种疾病使人的免疫系统崩溃,以致很容易染上一些罕见的癌症(Kaposi’s sarcoma, 卡普西肉瘤)、肺炎和其他怪异的疾病。

4. 一份新近加印题名为‘爱滋病与捐血人士的关系’的单张特别声明:“男同性恋者及双性恋者特别容易染上‘爱滋病’。”

5. 研究指出,工作繁多,工作效率就会降低,也容易出错,甚至损害健康,引致的毛病可能包括“记忆力减退、背痛、更容易染上感冒、消化不良、牙齿和牙龈受损”。