守约 in Vietnamese

  • {keep appointment}
    - {keep one's promise}

Sentence patterns related to "守约"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "守约" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "守约", or refer to the context using the word "守约" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 我几乎决定不依时赴约,但在最后一分钟,我决定守约

2. 如果你跟住户说好要在某个时间回去,就要守约。( 太5:37)

3. 鹤鸟终身配对,长相厮守约逾50年,日本人因此认为它们是忠于配偶的典范。

4. 耶稣的牺牲显明耶和华是言出必行、信实守约的上帝。 他的天父因此受到多么有力的昭雪!

Quả là một sự biện minh cho Đức Giê-hô-va, Đấng Vĩ Đại giữ lời hứa!

5. 虽然基遍人是受诅咒的迦南人,是以色列人本该灭绝的,但以色列人知道,立了约就必须守约,所以他们必须让基遍人存活。

6. 它的所作所为毫无诚意,因为它似乎不打算或不愿意考虑改变或调节其行为。 澳大利亚拒绝积极响应委员会的《意见》,是其不守约的一种长期一贯的做法。