天方夜谭 in Vietnamese

  • {make up one's yarns}
    - {old wives' fable}
    - {spin yard}
    - {spin yarn}
    - {sportsman's yarn}

Sentence patterns related to "天方夜谭"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "天方夜谭" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "天方夜谭", or refer to the context using the word "天方夜谭" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 这些生物的享受着一个三维立体的生活空间, 对我们来说这简直天方夜谭

Và sự sống ấy tận hưởng sự tồn tại ba chiều vô cùng xa lạ đối với ta.

2. 要说约瑟·斯密23岁时就具备必要的技巧,能在65个工作天左右,一气呵成完成这部巨作,这简直是天方夜谭

3. 我所忧心的是,在我们站在金融风暴 废墟之间的此刻 仍然有太多团体 仍然以一些过时的、 未经验证的、非科学的 几乎是来自天方夜谭的假设 来制定规则和管理人事