大组 in Vietnamese

  • {jumpbogroup}

Sentence patterns related to "大组"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "大组" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "大组", or refer to the context using the word "大组" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 看过录像带之后,他们大受鼓励,深以自己属于这个努力荣耀耶和华的庞大组织为荣。

Họ không coi việc phải chèo xuồng cây ngược dòng thủy triều đang dâng là khó khăn.

2. 甚至在未将地球准备好供人居住之前,耶和华已有一个由许多属天的儿子构成的庞大组织。

3. 被称为杀人部队SHADOW机械人军团,并且将主要战力带到月面基地,实力远远超过前作的DARK破坏部队与电脑黑魔部队巨大组织。

4. 1670年,英国人在加拿大组成了哈得孙湾公司之后,他们一方面跟哈得孙湾邻近地区进行贸易,同时忙于尝试寻找一条通往太平洋的西北航道。