夜鹰 in Vietnamese

  • {goatsucker}
    - {nighthawk}

Sentence patterns related to "夜鹰"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "夜鹰" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "夜鹰", or refer to the context using the word "夜鹰" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 德赖弗教授认为“利利特”的词源或许暗示这个词指夜鹰,因为夜鹰不但在夜间捕食,而且能够在空中快速旋转,翻来覆去捕捉飞蛾、甲虫等夜间出没的昆虫。

2. 晚上胡狼和豺狼嚎叫,鸮(猫头鹰)和夜鹰叫唤,增添了一种荒凉孤寂之感。(

3. 沿途我们看见一只狐狸,还有一只漂亮的叉尾夜鹰在我们的车子前飞过。

4. 埃及夜鹰(学名Caprimulgus aegyptius)差不多以荒漠为家,在金合欢树丛和柽柳树丛上筑巢,黄昏时出去觅食。

5. 赛34:14)希伯来语li·lithʹ(利利特)有以下不同的译法:“夜间的怪物”(和合,新译),“夜鹰”(新世),“夜间的魑魅”(思高),《现代中文译本修订版》则在脚注里说“夜间的怪物”指女鬼。