多鱼 in Vietnamese

  • {fishiness} , tính chất như cá, sự lắm cá, tính chất đáng nghi, tính chất ám muội

Sentence patterns related to "多鱼"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "多鱼" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "多鱼", or refer to the context using the word "多鱼" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 这湖里有许多鱼

2. 他们从海中捕获许多鱼类、蛤类、鲱鱼子和海藻。

3. 约21:11)请留意圣经的记载并不是说他们捕得几条或甚至许多鱼

4. 请想像这幅图画:许多鱼在排队等候诊疗,在清扫者为它们服务时,有些以头“站着”或上下翻转来接受治疗。

5. 它一直流入死海,水里有许多鱼,且有渔夫在那里捕鱼谋生。 河的两岸长满各样的树,果子可作食物,叶子可作治病之用。

6. 有多条小溪流经革尼撒勒平原,汇入加利利海蔚蓝的湖水里。 随着溪流入海的大量植物吸引了很多鱼,使这个地区成为捕鱼的极佳地点。(