垂死挣扎 in Vietnamese

  • {death struggle}

Sentence patterns related to "垂死挣扎"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "垂死挣扎" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "垂死挣扎", or refer to the context using the word "垂死挣扎" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 在那里,母亲抱着她们曾经 垂死挣扎的儿女。

2. 哥林多后书4:4;约翰一书2:18)这项揭发仅是她的垂死挣扎的先兆而已。

3. 这是布莱恩拍摄的一幅照片 在巴厘岛周边 一只在刺网上垂死挣扎的鲨鱼

4. 灵性成熟、留意上帝劝诫的人看出,这个世界的道德水平一落千丈,有力地证明撒但正在垂死挣扎