回电话 in Vietnamese

  • {call back}

Sentence patterns related to "回电话"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "回电话" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "回电话", or refer to the context using the word "回电话" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 我会给你回电话的。

2. 一个26岁的男人就是为了拾回电话,跳下路轨,不幸被刚进站的火车“辗毙”,当场惨死。

3. 但是我不会因为要吃饭而不开心 不会因为要回电话而不开心 不会因为要洗澡而感到不开心

4. 回到家的时候 看着电话留言机上闪烁的红灯 我不但不会因为听到朋友们的声音感到兴奋 反而会想 怎么有这么多人等我回电话

5. 怎么有这么多人等我回电话 有时该吃午饭了 我却开始想,我还得把食物拿出来 放到盘子里 得切,得嚼,得咽 让我感觉就像耶稣受难一样