喜形于色 in Vietnamese

  • {beam with joy}
    - {beam with smile}
    - {light up}
    - {radiate with joy}

Sentence patterns related to "喜形于色"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "喜形于色" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "喜形于色", or refer to the context using the word "喜形于色" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 弟兄们喜形于色,卫兵百思不解,问弟兄说:“你们连自己到哪儿去也不知道,怎会那么高兴呢?

2. 这 60 分的咖啡和 78 分的咖啡之间的差别 就是让你望而却步的咖啡 和让你喜形于色的咖啡之间的差别。

3. 耶和华说:“你看见了,就必喜形于色,心里又激动又兴奋,因为大海的财富必运来给你,列国的资财也归你所有。”(