吓了一跳 in Vietnamese

  • {jump out of one's skin}
    - {sit up}

Sentence patterns related to "吓了一跳"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "吓了一跳" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "吓了一跳", or refer to the context using the word "吓了一跳" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 这一切使特德不禁吓了一跳!

2. 我吓了一跳, 只能对自己说,“哎,好吧。

3. 这 布料 看起来 真的 很棒 耶 我 吓了一跳

4. 她们吓了一跳,就哭着说她们想要家庭研读。

5. 检察官吓了一跳,问:“那我要怎么向上级交代呢?”

6. 嗯,当几年前我问自己这个问题时 我被自己吓了一跳

7. 就在电光火石之间,狮子已冲进牛羚中,牛羚这才吓了一跳

8. 这个问题有一个显然的答案, 但乔布斯的回答使把记者吓了一跳

Có đáp án rõ ràng cho vấn đề này, nhưng điều ông Jobs nói đã khiến các nhà báo chao đảo.

9. 我第一次到耶和华见证人的王国聚会所参加聚会时,想必令某些人吓了一跳

10. 到现在我仍然记得,自己的声音从扩音器里播放出来的时候,真的把自己吓了一跳。”

11. 在奥斯曼帝国首都君士坦丁堡(现在的伊斯坦布尔)附近的马尔马拉海,有一具浮尸在海面出现;几个在海上作业的渔夫都给吓了一跳

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