匠人 in Vietnamese

  • {mof his hands}

Sentence patterns related to "匠人"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "匠人" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "匠人", or refer to the context using the word "匠人" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 耶和华怎样解释角与匠人的异象?

2. 为了使剧院显得庄严华贵,匠人在铸铁柱上抹上灰泥、涂上颜彩,好让这些铸铁柱看来像大理石一般。

3. 在他们重返故土的第二年,匠人奠下了耶和华殿的根基,众人都大声欢呼,那些见过旧殿的老年人更禁不住放声大哭。

4. 到了公元前第四世纪,一些地中海城市由于属同一手艺行业的匠人往往聚居在同一地区内,因而该地以擅长制造某些商品而驰名。