剥掉 in Vietnamese

  • {peel off}
    - {strip down}

Sentence patterns related to "剥掉"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "剥掉" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "剥掉", or refer to the context using the word "剥掉" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 事發現場從2000年夏天起,曾多次發現流浪貓尾巴被剪掉,皮膚被剥掉等虐貓事件。

2. 时代》杂志报道:“如果你剥掉侵略性部落主义的外衣,你通常都会发现一个宗教核心。

3. 有人认为原住民正是利用先热后冷的原理,把石块的外层剥掉后,雕制成石球,再用沙或皮革把石面打磨光滑。

4. 尽管受到遗传倾向或外来因素影响,我们仍可以“把旧品格连旧行为一并剥掉......[然后]穿上新品格;这种品格借着确切的知识,按着创造这种品格的上帝的形像,渐渐获得更新”。——歌罗西书3:9,10。