冲蚀 in Vietnamese

  • {erosion} , sự xói mòn, sự ăn mò

Sentence patterns related to "冲蚀"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "冲蚀" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "冲蚀", or refer to the context using the word "冲蚀" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 这种情形尤其常见于那些因河川冲蚀导致的渐进性破坏而可能失去住房和土地的家庭。

2. 倘若正如专家们估计,全球有三分之一耕地的冲蚀速度快过天然补充的程度,我们的土地就会逐渐失去生产力。

3. 至今这里遗留下来的,只有交错的管道,还有因山崩而留下的参差疤痕,但雨水已把疤痕冲蚀平滑,栗子树林也成了它的衣装。