养蚕 in Vietnamese

  • {sericiculture} , nghề nuôi tằm
    - {sericulture} , nghề nuôi tằm

Sentence patterns related to "养蚕"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "养蚕" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "养蚕", or refer to the context using the word "养蚕" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 在古代,惟有中国才出产丝绸,除了中国,谁都不知道养蚕取丝的工艺。

2. 欧洲的法国、意大利是绢的产地、1850年由于原生生物的原因流行蚕的传染病、两国的养蚕业几乎毁灭。

3. 据称,远早于以色列立国前,中国人已懂得养蚕取丝,纺制成丝绸。 至于纺丝的秘方,则到公元以后才被公开。

4. 起初,無烟煤用作海軍燃料,后来軍艦燃料向石油转換,但是养蚕业用的暖房燃料则带来了对练炭需求的増长,結果,平壤周边的無烟煤田开发获得推进。