八分之一 in Vietnamese

  • {eighth} , thứ tám, một phần tám, người thứ tám; vật thứ tám; ngày mồng tám, (âm nhạc) quận tám

Sentence patterns related to "八分之一"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "八分之一" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "八分之一", or refer to the context using the word "八分之一" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 通常在呼吸之际,我们大约吸入一品脱的空气,约占肺的容量八分之一

2. 用文火(小火)把不粘底的平底煎锅(20厘米)烧热,用汤匙把八分之一压过筛的淀粉均匀地铺在煎锅里。

3. 路加福音24:13,约翰福音6:19以及11:18都没有用“米利翁”一词,而是以运动场(译做“运动场”的英语stadium源于希腊语staʹdi·on斯塔迪安,复数是stadia斯塔迪阿)的长度做单位(罗马制一斯塔迪安=八分之一罗马里;185米;606.75英尺)。