催泪弹 in Vietnamese

  • {pepper fog}
    - {tear bomb}
    - {tear shell}

Sentence patterns related to "催泪弹"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "催泪弹" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "催泪弹", or refer to the context using the word "催泪弹" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 一个可乐罐大小的催泪弹擦着我的头皮飞过。

Tôi nhận ra tiếng xì của hộp hơi cay và tôi không thể thở.

2. 军用武器(及其部件和配件)和弹药、军用炸药、爆炸装置、军用烟火物品、推进剂、催泪弹催泪弹和非气枪(左轮手枪)所用、装有刺激或瘫痪性物质弹药的制造(生产),以及国家武装部队和内政部系统机构需要的产生心理作用的声光装置的制造(生产);和

3. 特报告员在报告中指出,他从世界各地区收到的有关酷刑的指控涉及到各种器具,例如戒具(包括枷锁、铁链、铁棍、脚镣、拇指铐和枷锁板)、电击武器(包括电棍、眩晕枪、眩晕盾和带、及泰瑟枪)、动能冲击装置(包括击棍、警棍和短鞭)、和化学控制物质(包括催泪弹和辣椒喷剂)。