余烬 in Vietnamese

  • {ash fire}
    - {dying embers}
    - {smouldering embers}

Sentence patterns related to "余烬"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "余烬" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "余烬", or refer to the context using the word "余烬" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 耶利米书52:3-11)邪恶的人必“像石灰的余烬”,彻底消灭!

(Giê-rê-mi 52:3-11) Những kẻ ác sẽ “như vôi đương sôi-nổi”—bị hủy diệt hoàn toàn!

2. 各族必像石灰的余烬,又像砍下来的荆棘一样被人放火烧掉。

3. 司机必须机警过人,因为雪堆能翻侧守车,令乘客跌出车外,木火炉内的炽热余烬也落在雪地上。

4. 篝火逐渐熄灭,阵阵深红色的火焰也渐渐消失;火势熄灭之后,所剩下的只是一堆炽热的余烬,在夜间继续闪出亮光。”

5. 到下午晚些时候衣服全晾干了,他们就小心翼翼把衣服一件件叠好,有的衣服还会用熨斗熨平(这种熨斗靠里面填满木炭余烬来发热)。