低工资的 in Vietnamese

  • {sweated} , có mồ hôi, đầy mồ hôi, bị bẩn vì mồ hôi, cực nhọc, đổ mồ hôi sôi nước mắt (công việc), bị bóc lột (công nhân...)

Sentence patterns related to "低工资的"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "低工资的" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "低工资的", or refer to the context using the word "低工资的" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 促进包容性增长的第一个优先任务是摆脱低增长、低就业、低工资的“新平庸”状态。

2. 本文开头所述的墨西哥青年受雇了一段时期,雇主只给他美国最低工资的三分之一,超时工作并没有补薪。

3. 在纽约的唐人街,来自香港的60名偷渡客被发现在一家惯于剥削工人的制衣厂工作,所得不及最低工资的三分之一。