从早到晚 in Vietnamese

  • {early and late}
    - {from dawn till dusk}
    - {from morning till night}
    - {from sun sun}

Sentence patterns related to "从早到晚"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "从早到晚" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "从早到晚", or refer to the context using the word "从早到晚" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 一名学生说:“在道德方面,寄宿生从早到晚都处于险境。”

2. 另一方面,有些患者却变得昏昏沉沉,从早到晚都坐着,一动也不动。

3. 马太福音26:41)虽然他从早到晚忙个不停,却安排时间向天父倾心吐意。

(Ma-thi-ơ 26:41) Dù luôn bận rộn từ sáng đến tối, ngài vẫn dành thì giờ để nói chuyện với Cha trên trời.

4. 因为在建武新政中功劳受到了后醍醐天皇莫大的恩赏,忠显与家臣从早到晚举办酒宴。

5. 在星期天的聚会里,派书者从早到晚向他们讲解上帝的历代计划,然后在第二个星期天鼓励他们经常聚会。”

6. 保罗在罗马遭禁锢期间,曾向许多人作过彻底的见证。 他“从早到晚”,根据“摩西的律法[和众预言者]的书”,“将耶稣的事劝导他们相信”。(