临时房屋 in Vietnamese

  • {tabernacle} , rạp (để cúng lễ), nơi thờ cúng, tủ đựng bánh thánh (đặt trên bàn thờ), (nghĩa bóng) ở tạm thời, (nghĩa bóng) che

Sentence patterns related to "临时房屋"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "临时房屋" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "临时房屋", or refer to the context using the word "临时房屋" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 见证人工作勤恳,很快已筑起超过五百间临时房屋

2. 由于东日本大地震的发生,负责撤离和临时房屋等老年人的福利政策。

3. 但很多人的房屋都受到破坏无法居住,在他们还没找到适当的固定住所之前,就需要住在临时房屋

4. 到了4月中,见证人总共为地震灾民建了567幢临时房屋,另外差不多100个家庭已取得所需的物料和建材,重修家园。