中值 in Vietnamese

  • {median} , ở giữa, qua điểm giữa, (y học) động mạch giữa dây thần kinh, (toán học) trung tuyế

Sentence patterns related to "中值"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "中值" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "中值", or refer to the context using the word "中值" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 不少日记成了宝贵的历史文献,其中值得一提的例子,是犹太少女安妮·弗兰克所写的日记。

2. 耶稣和他母亲以及一些门徒都参加过婚宴。 他们很清楚,在世人眼中值得尊重的婚礼,能为上帝的子民带来欢乐。

3. 要了解臭氧与气候变化之间的重要联系,以及布鲁尔-多布森经向环流中值的预期变化,就需要监测温度和痕量气体廓线,特别是一氧化二氮和六氟化硫等动态示踪剂及对流层上部和平流层下部区域中的臭氧和水蒸汽的廓线。