不说话 in Vietnamese

  • {hold one's jaw}
    - {hold one's peace}
    - {hold one's tongue}
    - {keep one's peace}

Sentence patterns related to "不说话"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "不说话" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "不说话", or refer to the context using the word "不说话" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 我们早餐时从不说话,

2. 屠库 就 一直 死 盯 着 他 然后 他 就 不 说话 了

Tuco nhìn chằm chằm anh ta. Rồi anh ta im lặng.

3. 这种方法所带来的结果比“吹毛求疵”或负气不说话好得多。

4. 伊万患有自闭症, 他不说话, 他用一个iPad来交流, 由此,他的语言可由图像组成。

5. 就像我们刚刚听到的 当然,我们同样正在学习如何把信息放到那些不说话的工具中

6. 他们不说话. 但最糟糕的是, 他们极度封闭,生活在自己的世界里 与周围的环境隔绝 与人隔绝