不翼而飞 in Vietnamese

  • {inthin air}

Sentence patterns related to "不翼而飞"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "不翼而飞" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "不翼而飞", or refer to the context using the word "不翼而飞" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 她先前的恐惧已不翼而飞了!

2. 在农村地区,茅房通通不翼而飞,只留下泥土堆砌的地台。

Ở vùng nông thôn, có nhiều lều tranh bị cuốn mất luôn, chỉ để lại những vũng bùn lầy ngay chỗ có túp lều lúc trước.

3. 不出两年,意大利就有价值超过五亿美元的艺术品不翼而飞

4. 箴言23:4,5)换句话说,殚精竭虑追求财富是不智的,因为钱财可以转眼消逝、不翼而飞

5. 他们的会堂被人焚烧,其中珍藏的宝贵圣经抄本不翼而飞,于是人们认为它大概已被烧毁了。