不祥之兆 in Vietnamese

  • {finger on the wall}
    - {harbinger of evil}

Sentence patterns related to "不祥之兆"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "不祥之兆" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "不祥之兆", or refer to the context using the word "不祥之兆" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. • 筷子插在饭碗里是不祥之兆,会招致死亡

• Đũa cắm đứng trong chén cơm là dấu hiệu chết chóc

2. "墙上之字” (“不祥之兆”)这个说法 已经成为我们的日常用语

3. 因此,在许多人听来,“宗教热心”一词无疑带有不祥之兆

4. 据《多伦多星报》报道,麦吉尔大学法律系教授暨加拿大赫尔辛基人权观察组织副主席欧文·寇特勒说:“近来,许多地方践踏人权的个案似乎是个不祥之兆,令人想起20世纪30年代大屠杀发生前的情形,这种情形一想起就令人毛骨悚然。”