不痛 in Vietnamese

  • {indolence} , sự lười biếng, sự biếng nhác

Sentence patterns related to "不痛"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "不痛" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "不痛", or refer to the context using the word "不痛" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 就这些不痛不痒的东西

Và chỉ những điều vụn vặt.

2. (22)埃利·维瑟尔接受心脏手术后,在复原期间,他的孙子问他,如果他更爱爷爷,爷爷会不会比较不痛

3. 啄木鸟用嘴撞击树木,头部承受的力量相当于地心引力的1200倍,可是这种鸟不但没有脑震荡,而且头一点也不痛

4. 17你们这些a穷人有祸了,你们的心不破碎,你们的灵不痛悔,你们的肚腹不满足,你们的手不停地拿别人的财物,你们的眼睛充满b贪婪,你们不肯用自己的手工作!