三丁基 in Vietnamese

  • {tributyl}

Sentence patterns related to "三丁基"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "三丁基" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "三丁基", or refer to the context using the word "三丁基" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 另一个反应物三丁基锡烷3在AIBN8的作用下分解,生成三丁基锡自由基4。

Một chất phản ứng khác là tributyl thiếc hydride 3 phân hủy, dưới tác động của AIBN 8 thành gốc tự do tributyl thiếc 4.

2. 三丁基锡化合物从船坞释放到海水中

3. 三丁基锡化合物自抛光共聚物漆的制造

4. 三丁基锡化合物自抛光共聚物漆的加工

5. 三丁基锡化合物在制造自抛光共聚物漆的过程中释放到地表水中;

6. 在三丁基锡化合物自抛光共聚物漆的制造过程中释放到地表水中;

7. 审议拟列入附件三的化学品 将三丁基锡化合物列入《鹿特丹公约》附件三