万升 in Vietnamese

  • {myrialiter}

Sentence patterns related to "万升"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "万升" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "万升", or refer to the context using the word "万升" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 此外,弟兄建造了一个可容水1万加仑(4万升)的地下贮水库。

2. 此外,在基遍的某个地点,考古学家发掘出63个在大磐石中凿成的酒窖,这些酒窖足以储藏10万升(2万5000加仑)的葡萄酒。

3. 从太阳一号沉船船体中回收石油的作业于今年4月结束,从总共泄漏的逾210万升燃油中回收的油量还不到5 000升。

4. 这桩溢油事件是美国有史以来最可怕的灾难,接近4200万升的石油对沙滩和野生动物造成了严重伤害之余,当局还得耗费逾20亿美元清理油污。