一阵阵的 in Vietnamese

  • {fitful} , từng cơn; từng đợt, hay thay đổi, thất thường; chập chờn (tính tình, ánh sáng...)

Sentence patterns related to "一阵阵的"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "一阵阵的" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "一阵阵的", or refer to the context using the word "一阵阵的" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 宾特弟兄说:“4月7日清晨,我们被一阵阵的枪声和手榴弹的爆炸声吵醒。

2. 到了中午,圣堂附近传来了一阵阵的炮竹声,原来是朝圣者在燃放五光十色的烟花。

3. 13时15分,在Abbad阵地上的以色列敌军突然朝聚集在黎巴嫩边界上约20人的上空进行了一阵阵的连续射击。

4. 特别报告员在其职责第二方面的范围内还强调指出 # · # 事件产生了令人悲痛的影响,特别是造成许多过激行为,这些过激行为又体现为言论过激、不宽容、歧视、诬蔑和偏见以及一阵阵的猜疑,甚至仇恨在许多国家兴风作浪。