问心无愧地 in Vietnamese

  • {with the warrant of good conscience}

Sentence patterns related to "问心无愧地"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "问心无愧地" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "问心无愧地", or refer to the context using the word "问心无愧地" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 能问心无愧地过每一天,这种感觉多好!”——卡拉

2. 因此,身兼预言者和士师职任的撒母耳可以问心无愧地问道:“[我]从谁手里受过贿赂,以致我的眼睛因此被蒙住呢?”——撒母耳记上12:3,《新译》。

3. 在决定是否接受某个手术方法之前,要问问自己:如果我的血液从身体引出,甚至在体外暂停流动,我还能不能问心无愧地说,这些血仍是我身体的一部分,因此无须“倒在地上”呢?(