自谋生计 in Vietnamese

  • {hoe one's own row}
    - {paddle one's own canoe}
    - {shift for oneself}

Sentence patterns related to "自谋生计"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "自谋生计" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "自谋生计", or refer to the context using the word "自谋生计" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 死者遗下的千百万寡妇孤儿要自谋生计

2. 由于要自谋生计,非洲农民遂不得不过度种植、过度放牧和斩伐太多树木,以致贫瘠的土地质素更加低落。