播音室 in Vietnamese

  • {studio} , xưởng vẽ, xưởng điêu khắc..., (số nhiều) xưởng phim, (rađiô) Xtuđiô

Sentence patterns related to "播音室"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "播音室" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "播音室", or refer to the context using the word "播音室" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 入社後三年間在富士電視台播音室進行研修,出演了《職業棒球新聞》、《少年TIRE》、《FNN SUPER NEWS》等節目。

2. 通信股由通信主任( # )负责 # 名通信干事(外勤人员)协助,负责安装、操作和维护整个任务区的通信设施和系统,包括甚小口径终端系统、电话交换机、中继器和发报机、微波中继线、无线电播音室和转播系统。

3. 就像数百万的国人在下面看到的一样,这两艘巨大的飞艇在4天3夜里完成了环德国飞行,撒下大量纳粹传单,扬声器用巨大的音量播放着军乐與口号 ,兴登堡號上临时无线电播音室则向外播送着政治演讲。