摘掉 in Vietnamese

  • {off with}
    - {pick off}
    - {pinch off}

Sentence patterns related to "摘掉"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "摘掉" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "摘掉", or refer to the context using the word "摘掉" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 哦 , 要 摘掉 假 髮 了

2. 1961年,摘掉右派帽子。

3. 它 是魚 的 運輸標 籤, 在 研究所 裏 誰 也 不能 摘掉

Đó là thẻ chuyển chỗ cho những con cá nào không mổ được trong viện.

4. 他有没有帮忙摘掉过密的葡萄叶,好让太阳晒到葡萄呢?(

5. 也就是說「眼和鼻就可以摘取,不過對於自己的瘤比較重要,很想要把那個給摘掉」而懇求著。

6. 莫桑比克的耶和华见证人也开办扫盲班,分别在大约七百群会众里举行。 请留意以下有关扫盲班的报道:“过去四年来,一共有5089个学生摘掉了文盲的帽子。