居丧 in Vietnamese

  • {mourning} , sự đau buồn, sự buồn rầu, tang; đồ tang, (thông tục) mắt sưng húp, mắt thâm tím, (thông tục) móng tay bẩn, đau buồn, buồn rầu, (thuộc) tang, tang tóc

Sentence patterns related to "居丧"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "居丧" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "居丧", or refer to the context using the word "居丧" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 同样,圣经表明人在居丧时适切地穿上“丧服。”(

2. 为什么这些居丧的基督徒女子拒绝遵循邻人的期望而行呢?

3. 但“守夜”一词若是广泛到包括探访居丧者的家或殡仪馆又如何?

4. 在另一个地区,一名居丧的基督徒女子被部落的警察剥去衣服用皮鞭痛打。