哄堂大笑 in Vietnamese

  • {break out in riot of laughter}

Sentence patterns related to "哄堂大笑"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "哄堂大笑" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "哄堂大笑", or refer to the context using the word "哄堂大笑" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 德国听众的反应是哄堂大笑,但他在说别种言语的大会中讲出同一比喻时,听众木然不响。

2. 参与者吸进笑气后,就自我控制不了,然后更做出各种各样的古怪动作,引得哄堂大笑

3. 麦克米伦后来写道:“当时引起哄堂大笑,因为他们都记得星期三我在萨拉托加斯普林斯说过的话——我那‘最后一次的公开演讲’!”

4. 十二月中旬至下旬,少年A以踩到順子漏的尿為由,偕同少年B、C一起朝順子的臉毆打,導致臉龐腫脹變形,隔日看到這樣的順子的少年們反而哄堂大笑